Toyota Motor Corporation (TM)

Last Price$174.0(1.0%)
Market Cap$241.6B
Financial profile score
LTM Revenue
+0.8% YoY
LTM Net Income
-1.7% YoY
LTM Free Cash Flow
+113.8% YoY
Net Debt
Short-term financial position
Current Assets / Current Liabilities

TM Income statement

Crunching data... Almost there!

TM Balance sheet

Crunching data... Almost there!

TM Key balance sheet metrics

Crunching data... Almost there!

TM Cash flow statement

Crunching data... Almost there!

TM Key cash flow statement metrics

Crunching data... Almost there!

Discover more TM fundamentals

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What are Toyota Motor Corporation (TM) Key Income Statement Metrics?

As of today, Toyota Motor Corporation last 12-month Revenue is $324.2B , EBITDA is $59.3B and Net Income is $34.7B , based on the financial report for Jun 30, 2024 (Q2 2024).

What are Toyota Motor Corporation (TM) Key Balance Sheet Metrics?

As of today, Toyota Motor Corporation Total Assets are $623.0B and Total Liabilities are $356.5B , based on the financial report for Jun 30, 2024 (Q2 2024).

What are Toyota Motor Corporation (TM) Key Cash Flow Statement Metrics?

As of today, Toyota Motor Corporation last 12-month Cash Flow from Operating Activities is $4,380.7M, Cash Flow from Investing Activities is ($15,375.9M) and Cash Flow from Financing Activities is ($2,042.7M), based on the financial report for Jun 30, 2024 (Q2 2024).

What is Toyota Motor Corporation (TM) Free Cash Flow?

As of today, Toyota Motor Corporation last 12-month Free Cash Flow is ($12.8B) , based on the financial report for Jun 30, 2024 (Q2 2024).