Shell plc (SHEL)

Last Price$67.450.7%
Market Cap$232.7bn

SHEL Intrinsic value

SHEL Intrinsic value overview

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SHEL Historical intrinsic value

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SHEL Relative value

SHEL Valuation multiples overview

Crunching data... Almost there!

SHEL vs Peer Set Valuation Multiples Dynamics

Crunching data... Almost there!

SHEL DCF sensitivity

Crunching data... Almost there!
DCF Value sensitivity
DCF Value sensitivity does not provide scenarios of SHEL undervaluation

SHEL Discount rate (WACC)

Crunching data... Almost there!
Negative ROIC / WACC ratio
SHEL LTM ROIC (0.0%) is lower than recent WACC (0.0%), indicating value desctruction

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