British American Tobacco p.l.c. (BTI)

Last Price$35.50.7%
Market Cap$82.1B
Last Earnings date
Jun 30, 2024
Period Ending
Q2 2024
EPS and EPS Surprise
0.0% miss
Next quarter date
Jun 30, 2006
Next quarter EPS
35.3% YoY
Stock quality & Intrinsic value
Intrinsic value - 91.7% undervalued

Overview of recent earnings and next earnings estimate

Revenue, $ M

Crunching data... Almost there!

EPS (Earnings per share), $

Crunching data... Almost there!

Historical actuals vs Estimates

Crunching data... Almost there!
Crunching data... Almost there!

Overview of Key metrics change

Crunching data... Almost there!

Overview of financial statements

Income statement
Balance sheet
Cash Flow statement
Crunching data... Almost there!

Comparison with peer companies

Growth and margins

Crunching data... Almost there!

Valuation multiples

Crunching data... Almost there!

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When does British American Tobacco p.l.c. (BTI) report earnings?

British American Tobacco p.l.c. releases its next earnings report on Jun 30, 2006 (Q2 2006)

Did British American Tobacco p.l.c. (BTI) beat its most recent earnings?

Last earnings report on Jun 30, 2024 (Q2 2024) British American Tobacco p.l.c. reported EPS of $2.54 and missed EPS estimate by 0.00%